How to dive and cheat

The list of dives: The Gilardino: The Ronaldo I: (vs Lampard, after 0:20) The Drogba: First one in this video The Ronaldo II: The Gerrard: The Champions League final-dive The Ronaldo III: A general dive The Pedersen: The Fostervold: First one. Second is a goal celebration by “Mini” Jacobsen and John Carew The Ronaldo IV: A hugely exaggurated parody, diving while taking an already awarded free kick The Jo: Diving himself a penalty in his first match for Everton last season. Literally a dive! The Rivaldo: The Drogba roll-in: Against Liverpool in the Champions League last season. Being “injured” outside the pitch, then rolls onto the pitch to stop the play for his serious “injury”. “I’m a disgrace” based on: For a great list on dives in professional football, please visit this great site: The guy behind this project won’t mind a bit of help to fill the holes of missing information or adding new dives to the list. Thanks.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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