UNICEF: Ambassador David Beckham visits Sierra Leone

BOMBALI DISTRICT, Sierra Leone, 22 January 2008 — Football star and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador David Beckham recently completed a visit to Sierra Leone, where he travelled with UNICEF representatives to focus attention on the issue of child survival. The trip took place during the lead-up to the release of UNICEF’s yearly flagship report — ‘The State of the World’s Children 2008′. This year’s report cites Sierra Leone as having the highest rate of infant mortality in the world. “In Sierra Leone, one in four children dies before reaching their fifth birthday,” Mr. Beckham said. “It’s shocking and tragic, especially when the solutions are simple. Saving these children’s lives is a top priority for UNICEF — and as an Ambassador, I hope I can help to draw attention to this issue across the world.” To read the full story, visit: www.unicef.org
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