Hello guys, after a month break I’m back to show you my new work “FC Barcelona – Guardiola’s Era.” From the editor of “Lionel Messi – From an Ordinary Boy to a Legend”. I worked a lot on this project so I hope that you will like it. In 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 season Barca lost everything ` Ronaldinho got injured and Barcelona became weaker team and after being destroyed in Santiago Bernabeu by Real Madrid “4-1″, Frank Riikard was replaced by his assister Pep Guardiola and in season 2008-2009 Guardiola’s Era started. Guardiola’s Era was the best in Barcelona’s history, in just 4 years Barca broke all possible and impossible records, won 14 titles, record “6-2″ win against Real Madrid and then in 29th of November another record win against Real Madrid ` this time in Camp Nou “5-0″. In the first year of managing Barca, Barca won six titles which was record in the history of football. In 2010-2011 season Barca was about to repeat its own record of 2009 but the defeat in Copa del Rey Final, didn’t let them to do that. Unfortunately this season Barca lost the chance to win La Liga and Uefa Champions League. But as you know you have to fall down ` to have the desire to get up again. 2 weeks later they won Copa del Rey and that was another record for the club. And after all this Pep Guardiola announced that he is going to left the club. But I hope he will come back soon again to win new titles with the club. Gràcies Pep for everything!!! Special thanks to ` Michal Kotukov …
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Massive thanks to EASports Elgato Gaming (@elgatogaming – www.gamecapture.com) Nvidia (@nvidia – http For putting on the even, (EA) supplying the capture cards (elgato) and providing us with PC’s to play on (nvidia)
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