GamesCom – it’s where Games & Com meet! Huh?

New Twitter Account! Facebook: Welcome to the Top Trending Topics Show! Every weekday you can watch and we’ll keep you in the know. Ya! Hey Trenders! Bienvenue and welcome to Top Trending Topics, the show that keeps you informed of the top things being talked about online and the best quotes we can find about them. You don’t need to be on twitter when you’ve got this show! Today, people are talking about GamesCom, which is a video game convention in Germany, which I guess if you’re into that kind of thing is pretty exciting. (shrug) So let’s see what everyone’s saying about GamesCom: SuperDunner: OMG! It’s the highly anticipated unboxing of Microsoft’s GamesCom lunch! Is that an APPLE?!!! balldamien: Lots of good gaming news coming out of gamescom this year. Sweet overload! Argel319: What good is the freaking iPad if it can’t even stream Sony’s liveblog on gamescom?! Dammit, Apple! Ya douche. People are also talking about #unfollowexcuses. They’re sharing different reasons they might give for why they’d stop following someone on Twitter. Let’s see what could possible make them do something so drastic with #unfollowexcuses: Lord_Voldemort7: #unfollowexcuses It’s nothing personal, I just realized after reading your tweets that you suck. StalkZakiaBee: #UnfollowExcuses: bitch kept tweeting about taking people man. #WhoreyAss KushBluntShawty: #UnfollowExcuses Because when yo changed yo twitpic from ur breast to partial view of the face
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