iMOTM Torres! TOTY Valencia, Mata & More! TOTY Squad Builder – 352 BPL Beasts!

You like this team?! Tell me who your favourite player is in the comments! My next video is gona be pretty special! Here’s a hint (WHY ALWAYS ME!?) :P 100 Thumbs up and I’ll upload it instantly! :D FUT Videos Playlist – Twatter –

Here is a short skill video featuring some of the new stuff in FIFA 13. The game is amazing, and doing skills is a lot more fun than FIFA 12. I only had 2 days to record and edit the video, so the production is quite rushed. A huge thanks to EA for letting me participate in the FIFA 13 Event. And a big thanks to Nvidia and Elgato for sponsoring the event. Music: FeintDnB – Laurence If you are looking for how to do the skills, then check Hjerpseth’s FIFA 13 Skills tutorial out! Xbox: PS3:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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